3 Digit Counter Installation for Magnum, Uni-Troll, and Easi-Troll Downriggers


The following instructions show how to install the 0220477 3 digit counter on your Cannon Downrigger. The other part you will be accessing during this repair is the counter gear; you may be able to reuse the gear on your downrigger. If you need to replace the gear when replacing a 3 Digit Counter, it is critical that you use the correct replacement gear. The Gear sets in the guide are for downriggers manufactured 2007 to present. For older downriggers consult the parts list in your owner’s manual.

Installing the 3 Digit Counter

  1. Rotate the reel so a rib on the reel is visible in the middle of the opening that the counter installs in.
  2. Hold the counter gear against that rib and push the counter into place running the shaft of the counter into the hole in the gear.
  3. When pushing the gear into place use a solid object like a coin to push on the end of the shaft on the back side of the counter, the counter shaft can be forced out the back side if not supported.

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