Preset Depths and Last Depth Recall (available on Optimum and Optimum TS)(2020-present)

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Preset Depths

The Optimum and Optimum TS allows users to save up to 5 preset depths. The Preset Depth Menu allows the user to recall these presets and automatically control the weight and let line in or out to the Preset Depth. The downrigger can also move from one preset depth to another by selecting one of the programmed Preset Depths. The downrigger will have Preset Depths already programmed. The pre-programmed presets are 25, 50, 75, 100 and 150 feet. The Preset Depths can be set in a range from anywhere between 0 and 370 feet, but they can be changed to any depth within the limits of the amount of line the downrigger is equipped with. If changing Preset Depths keep the amount of line on the spool in mind when setting depth preferences. Also take consideration of the bottom depth of your fishing area.

Last Depth Recall

Last Depth Recall is a downrigger feature that allows the downrigger to recall the last depth that the downrigger was set to when the Auto Up button was selected. When fishing with the downrigger, it is beneficial to reel in the line when a fish is on after the fish has pulled the fishing line out of the Line Release. The Auto Up button is used on the keypad to retrieve the downrigger weight up and away from the fish to allow the operator to attend to the fish on and the rod. When a fish is on, pressing the Auto Up button records into memory the depth of the weight when the button was hit and automatically brings in the line. This feature is beneficial because using Last Depth Recall will return the weight to the trolling depth that the weight was set at when the fish was caught, easily putting your weight and bait back into the target zone.

Programming a Preset Depth


  1. With the downrigger powered "on", press the Menu button twice to bring up the Settings Menu on the Color LCD.
  2. From the Settings Menu, use the Down button to scroll to the item listed Downrigger. Press the Right button to open the Downrigger Menu.
  3. From the Downrigger Menu, use the Down button to scroll to the item listed Depth Presets. Press the Right button to open the Depth Presets Menu.
  4. From the Presets Menu, use the Up button or the Down button to scroll to the Preset Depth you would like to set. Press the Right button or the Left button to adjust the range from 0 to 370 feet. Single pressing the Right or Left buttons will increment the range in one foot increments. Continuing to press and holding the Right or Left buttons will continue to change the depth until the buttons are released.
  5. Press the Exit button to close the menu.

Setting the Downrigger to a Preset Depth

  1. With the downrigger powered "on", press the Preset Depth button to bring up the Preset Depths Menu on the Color LCD.
  2. From the Preset Depths Menu, use the Down button or the Up button to scroll to the Preset Depth desired.
  3. Once at the desired depth, press the Right button or the Preset Depth button once again to move the downrigger weight to the selected depth. Once selected the downrigger will automatically begin to move to the selected depth.

Using Last Depth Recall

  1. With the downrigger powered "on", press the Preset Depth button to bring up the Preset Depths Menu on the Color LCD.
  2. From the Preset Depths Menu, use the Down button or the Up button to scroll to the Last Depth Recall option, marked with a fish icon.
  3. Once at the Last Depth Recall press the Right button to move the downrigger weight to the last depth. Once selected the downrigger will automatically begin to move to the last depth.
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