Replacement Downrigger Parts

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Power Cables

If you need to replace the power cable on your electric downrigger, you can replace the battery side, or the downrigger side, or both as a kit. If you need assistance with rigging and installing your electric Downrigger click on the Electric Downrigger Rigging and Battery Selection Guide below.

Toggle Switches

Identifying your toggle switch:

  • How many terminals does it have, 3 or 4?
  • Is the switch momentary up or down?
    • Part #1286787 – 4 Terminals – Switch stays up & momentary down. Used on Mag 10A & Mini Mag – These units do not have a control board. This part is N/A through us directly, but can still be purchased at
    • Part #2286791 – 3 Terminals – Switch stays up & momentary down. Used on Mini Mag 2 & 3 – These units do have a control board. This part is obsolete everywhere.
    • Part #2286792 – 3 Terminals – Switch is momentary up & down. Used on Mag 5HS, Mag 10HS, Mag 10STX & all Mag 20 DT – all models have a control board.

Stainless Steel Cable

All Cannon Reels, excluding the Mini-Troll reel, will hold up to 400’ of stainless-steel cable. If you add more cable and your downrigger has the counter on the reel, the depth count will be off.

  • 150’ Cable - #3775392
  • 200’ Cable - #3775396
  • 250’ Cable - #3775394
  • 400’ Cable - #3775397

Telescopic Boom Parts

The telescopic boom is equipped with collets (93 &94) & clamps (91 & 92). These parts are used to adjust the length of the boom.

  • Collets:
    • #93 - 3393301; Mid- Tube Collet. This will be the smaller collet toward the front of the boom.
    • #94 - 3393300; Base Tube Collet. This will be the larger collet toward the back of the boom
  • Clamps:
    • #92- 2219823; Mid-Tube Clamp. This will be the smaller clamp toward the front of the boom.
    • #91 - 2219822; Base-Tube Clamp. This will be the larger clamp toward the back of the boom.

clamps collets.png

Adding a 3-digit counter to a Lake-Troll or Sport-Troll

Cannon Lake-Troll and Sport-Troll have a depth counter located at the end of the boom. You can put the 3-digit counter on the reel. This will require three parts:

  • #10 3-Digit Counter - 0220477
  • #11 Gear for the counter - 0833561
  • #13 Gear for the reel - 0233560

3 digit gear.png

Rod Holder Knobs

Rod holder knobs (#60) are shipped inside of the rod holder tube (#64).

rod holder knobs.png


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