Locate the Serial Number for a Cannon Product

This article walks through the locations of serial numbers on Cannon Products. 

Your Cannon 11-character serial number is very important. It helps to determine the specific model and year of manufacture. When contacting Consumer Service or registering your product, you will need to know your product’s serial number. We recommend that you write the serial number down in your product’s user manual or somewhere outside of your boat so you have it available for future reference.

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Serial Number Formats

  • For products manufactured before 2022, the Cannon serial number formats were U365 CN12345 or M074 CN02314.
  • For products manufactured in 2022 or later, the Cannon serial number format is 22001C12345.

2022 & After Serial Numbers

These serial numbers will be a 5 digit date, 1 letter for the product category, followed by 5 numbers. The 5 digit date code will be YYDDD.

Example: 22001C12345 with manufacture date of January 1st, 2022

  1. 22 = Year Code
  2. 001 = Day of Year (1-365)
  3. C = Product Category
  4. 12345 = Individual Series #

Optimum Serial Number Location

The serial number on your Cannon Optimum downrigger is located on the bottom of the downrigger frame. It can also be found on the About Screen within the Cannon downrigger operating system.

optimum sn.png

Magnum Serial Number Location

The serial number on your Cannon Magnum downrigger is located on the bottom of the downrigger frame. It can also be found on the About Screen within the Cannon downrigger operating system.

Magnum serial.png

Digi-Troll Serial Number Location

The serial number on your Cannon Digi-Troll downrigger is located on the bottom of the downrigger frame.

digi-troll serial number

Uni-Troll and Easi-Troll Serial Number Location

The serial number on your Cannon Easi-Troll or Uni-Troll downrigger is located towards the inside of the bottom of the frame.

Uni Easi SN.png

Lake-Troll Serial Number Location

The serial number on your Cannon Easi-Troll or Uni-Troll downrigger is located towards the inside of the bottom of the frame.

Mini-Troll Serial Number Location

The serial number of your Cannon Mini-Troll Downrigger is located on the bottom side of the frame.

Mini SN.png


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