Troubleshooting Downrigger and Transducer Interference

Interference in a fish finder refers to unwanted signals that distort the display, making it difficult to accurately read sonar data. This interference can appear as noise and clutter, showing up as random dots or lines on the screen, which can obscure actual fish or structures.

  • The Cannon Transducer operates at 120 kHz to minimize "cross talk" with other transducers, but it's best to separate the transducers as much as possible on the boat.
  • The Downrigger Motor's speed is controlled using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).

If the Downrigger motor is interfering with a depth finder:

These steps should mitigate interference, provided they are followed correctly and the transducer cable's shielding is intact.

  1. Ensure the depth finder is not powered by the same battery as the downriggers.
  2. Separate the power wires for the downriggers from the wires/cables of the depth finder.
  3. Bond the depth finder and downrigger grounds, ensuring the wire goes Negative to Negative and includes the smallest fuse possible.


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